Discover the online experience that connects your child with your trusted community to help them bring their ideas to life.
Your Caring Community
The members of your circle have a lot to share! Your child can use this wealth of knowledge and support to learn more and stay motivated.
Follow Their Passion
What is more motivating to your child than pursuing what interests them? The projects your child chooses become guideposts to a lifetime of learning.
Engaging and Exciting
Quest encourages your child through a playful, gamelike experience and encourages them every step of the way. Imagine the celebration when the big project is complete!
Experience another way of learning with Quest
We are looking for 50 families to join our Pioneer Program.
You will get free early-bird access and will be supported by a Quest coach along the way!
Homeschooling mom and Harvard graduate Christine wanted more for her daughter, Nora. Using her background as a social entrepreneur in technology, Christine discovered the perfect blend of education, stimulation, and personalization to create a learning experience like no other.
Brainstorm with your child to discover their passions and help them choose an exciting project idea. This project becomes the Quest. Let’s begin!
Invite your family and friends to be a part of the Quest. Your trusted circle can interact with your child to offer feedback and assistance on the project plus lots of encouragement and answers to tough questions.
Quest’s convenient resource collection binder is the perfect place to assemble key questions, research notes, ideas, and inspiration gathered on the journey.
Your child can design prototypes, test hypotheses, analyze results, and make new discoveries right in the Quest Lab.
The final project becomes reality through the efforts of your child and the insights and encouragement they received along their Quest. Well done!
Organize an event with your child where they can share their learning and success with their personal Quest community. Congratulations!
Pacha wanted to Learn Everything about Roses. To celebrate the accomplishment of her quest, she presented it through video conferencing to her family in Argentina. Together, we have already thought about the subject of her next quest.
Her quest How to save the ocean and learn more about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch allowed Lili to deepen her understanding of different subjects, such as reading, mathematics, geography, sciences...and to discover activism.
For her quest pertaining to Healthy Snacks, Nora directed a cooking show where she presented her favourite chip recipe. Her family and friends helped her realize the project, notably Jeanne, who lent her voice to Taco, the puppet co-host of the show.
Educational specialists recommend student-directed, project-based learning. You can learn more about why from Mitchel Resnick, researcher and director of the MIT Media Lab - Lifelong Kindergarten, through his 4 P creative learning method.